Lab Testing
Lab testing is available to further assess your health and the monitor progress. Below are examples of some of the panels offered.
Gut Health Profile | Sleep Balance | Menopause | Weight Management | Fertility | Adrenal Function |Cardiometabolic Health | Thyroid | Iodine | MTHFR | Vitamin D
Extensive Environmental/Food Allergy Profiles
Gut Health Profile
GI Map Stool Test
measures opportunistic organisms, normal flora, fungi, parasites and antibiotic resistance genes along with markers for GI health and function including SIgA, Elastase, Calprotectin and Anti-gliadin testing.
Comprehensive Stool Analysis
The Comprehensive Stool Analysis detects the presence of pathogenic microorganisms such as yeast, parasites, and bacteria that contribute to chronic illness and neurological dysfunction. It provides helpful information about prescription and natural products effective against specific strains detected in the sample. The test also evaluates beneficial bacteria levels, intestinal immune function, overall intestinal health, and inflammation markers.​
FIT (Food Inflammation Test)
The FIT 22 test (Food Inflammation Test) employs unique methods that detect both IgG antibody and Immune Complexes together to determine the reactivity of each sample against 22 foods that most frequently yield reactions on the regular FIT Test. Measuring IgG and Immune Complexes together increases the sensitivity over other tests which measure IgG alone.
The foods tested are: gluten, whole wheat, egg white, egg yolk, cow's milk, casein, candida, brewer's yeast, banana, beef, broccoli, coffee, corn, chicken, peanut, tomato, white potato, almonds, pineapple, salmon, shrimp, and turmeric.
Sleep Balance
If two or more of these symptoms persist, testing can identify whether it’s a hormone imbalance:
Can’t get to sleep or stay asleep
Frequent or early waking
Morning or evening fatigue
Feeling “tired but wired”
High stress
Irritability / impaired performance
Hunger / sugar cravings
Weight gain
Menopause Profile
As we age, key players in the hormone symphony begin to play out of tune as levels change: estrogen, the essential female hormone that develops our breasts and reproductive organs and safeguards their function; progesterone, the great balancer, co-dependent with estrogen in governing the reproductive cycle, and maintaining pregnancy; and testosterone/DHEA boosters of bone, muscle and libido.Hormone balance and the knowledge that hormones work in tandem with a healthy mind and body are the keys to menopause relief.
Weight Management
Can’t lose weight? It could be your hormones. If you are a man or a woman with the following symptoms, simple testing can reveal whether hormones are secretly sabotaging your weight management efforts.
weight gain in hips, thighs
belly fat
water retention
increased appetite
sugar cravings
low thyroid symptoms – slow weight loss, regularly feeling cold
mood swings / PMS
heavy / painful or irregular cycles
hot flashes / night sweats
foggy thinking / fatigue
difficulty sleeping
unexplained stress
low libido
anxiety / depression
prostate problems
Fertility Profile
Fertility Profile can help if you:
Have hormonal symptoms
Have been trying to conceive for more than six months
Are in your mid 30’s or older
Have had difficulty sustaining pregnancy in the past
Know infertility runs in your family
Want to assess your fertility status
Adrenal Function
What is the Salivary Adrenal Stress Profile The salivary Adrenal Stress Profile monitors the impact chronic stress has on the functioning of the adrenal glands’ cyclical release of cortisol and DHEA. It measures only the free circulating portion of both cortisol and DHEA and as per the (National Institutes of Health) NIH and (World Health Organization) WHO is a highly accurate and validated test easily taken via saliva in multiple samplings throughout the day and night if need be.
Why Should I test the Adrenal Glands functioning? Since stress and the inflammation it can cause are major underlying factors in so many chronic diseases, checking the circadian deviation from the normal amounts rhythmically secreted can be a window into how well the body is managing this critical component of chronic illness. Both Cortisol and DHEA affect carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism , DHEA also serves as the steroidogenic metabolic intermediate in the formation of the sex hormones from progesterone to testosterone and estradiol. As well, since the adrenals help modulate the conversion of inactive T4 to active T3 thyroid hormone, their dysfunction can be reflected in not only lower energy levels, loss of libido, and weight gain, but increasing emotional lability and resistance to disease.
Who Should Be Tested? Any patient who has been struggling with a chronic medical condition is a candidate for adrenal testing. More specifically, anyone complaining of the above chronic issues should be considered appropriate to be tested. It is not just for those patients whose complaints are referrable to a chronic fatigue syndrome or repeatedly : “ coming down with something” multiple times a year.
Cardiometabolic Health
Understand your increased risk for cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes. Proper management of CardioMetabolic risk factors can support your overall wellness and provide effective tools for improved lifestyle and longevity.Risk factors may include high blood pressure and glucose, elevated triglycerides, abdominal obesity, physical inactivity, and smoking. A combination of at least three of these risk factors increases your risk for cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes.
Thyroid Profile
Thyroid hormones control the body’s metabolism. The brain produces thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) which triggers the thyroid gland to produce two types of hormones – T4 and T3. In hypothyroidism, the body has inadequate levels of the thyroid hormones. This often leads to imbalances in relation to other hormones. Hyperthyroidism is a less common condition that exists when excess thyroid hormones are present. Because every cell of the body is affected by thyroid hormones, symptoms of imbalances are often varied and affect multiple body systems.
Iodine Levels
Diagnostic measurements of iodine with the development and application of dried urine testing. Using this simple dried urine test is one of the easiest ways to take control of your health and wellness while understanding the importance of underlying symptoms and your potential risk for iodine deficiency. It now only requires a few minutes to collect urine on a filter strip 2 times a day as opposed to the inconvenience of a 24 hour collection that requires a bulky container for collection.
Methyltetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) Genetic Mutation
What is MTHFR? The MTHFR nomenclature (methylenetetrahydro-folate reductase) stands for both the enzyme and the gene. If the gene has no mutation (wild type), the body can produce sufficient levels of functioning MTHFR enzyme to convert inactive folic acid to active folate (5-MTHF) to be used for the many biochemical processes and pathways in the body it is critical for in maintaining good health.
Who Should Be Tested? Anyone can be and should be tested for these most common and far reaching SNPs with many negative effects on health. This includes especially pre-natal couples with history of miscarriage and those with elevated homocysteine levels or a family history of cardiovascular disease, depression and other psychiatric illness.
Vitamin D
Why should I test for Vitamin D levels? Research reflects the need for optimal levels to control or improve outcomes in many chronic conditions. Conditions include: bone health, certain cancers, cardiovascular disease (including stroke prevention), immune system strengthening, multiple sclerosis, asthma, diverticulitis and benign prostatic hypertrophy as well as other extraskeletal benefits including mortality, mood and cognition in geriatrics.