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Rebound for Health

Writer's picture: Sterling HartSterling Hart

Why rebounding is so beneficial

My favorite form of exercise is rebounding on the mini-trampoline. I can rebound several times a day between clients, while listening to my favorite music or even catching up on old movies.

The typical rebound mini-trampoline is about 3′ in diameter and 9″ high. It is safe, easy to use, and effective. Research has led some scientists to conclude that jumping on a mini-trampoline is possibly the most effective exercise yet devised by man, especially because of the effect rebounding has on the lymph in the body. Most importantly, rebounding is FUN, so we stick to it!

Rebounding uses three powerful forces that influence every cell of the body: gravity, acceleration and deceleration. If your body is exposed on a regular basis to 1½ times the force of gravity, its tissues will gradually strengthen to cope with the gravitational force – which is a full body strengthening effect. Since these forces exert pressure on every cell in the body (which is NOT true of typical exercise routines), then all the cells of the body (and all the tissues they make up – muscles, ligaments, nervous system, lymphatic system, etc.) also strengthen accordingly.

These repeated forces are a tremendous assistance in stimulating the lymphatic system into greater efficiency to clear waste products from the body. Since the lymphatic system has no ‘heart” (as does the blood system), regular movement is necessary for it to properly circulate its lymph and to clear the waste products from the blood. Little or no exercise (such as those who are chronically ill or who have injuries) can create a sluggish lymphatic system response and thus lead to markedly decreased ability to purify the blood.

Some benefits of rebounding: Allergies: After regular use of a rebounder, many people have reported that their allergies were reduced or eliminated altogether. The effect took several months of regular rebounding. Arthritis: Extensive tests on rebounding have shown that it is helpful for patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The relief felt by arthritis patients can often be dramatic. However, only gentle bouncing (3 or 4 times a day) is recommended to start. As the NASA study found, this exercise helps prevent excess calcium loss from the spine as well as other major bones. Asthma: Rebounding is a more oxygen efficient exercise than other forms of exercise, so asthma sufferers can easily do a gentle form of this exercise without having to stress their breathing. Back Problems: Rebounding helps strengthen the spine and back muscles without the undue strain of running on a hard surface. It helps avoid shin splints and knee problems associated with exercise on a hard surface. It also has the beneficial effect of restoring bone mass and has been shown to stop osteoporosis from worsening. Balance: Rebounding has been shown to improve balance and coordination because the surface of the rebounder slightly flexes the body in many different directions to give optimal stimulation to the body’s balancing mechanisms. Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and Circulation: Rebounding can strengthen the heart muscle (as all of the cells of the body). As the heart muscle becomes stronger, it requires less work to pump blood throughout the body. As the muscles of the body become more efficient at using oxygen, they will require less oxygen. As the lymphatic system becomes more efficient at clearing waste, blood pressure can be reduced as well as varicose veins. Colds and Sore Throats: Since rebounding directly acts on both the lymphatic and immune systems, even 2 or 3 minutes of gentle rebounding frequently, such as four times a day, can help stop the onset of colds and sore throats (as reported in some studies). Diabetes: Type 2 diabetes patients are typically prescribed exercise by their doctors as a way to help control the disease. Rebounding offers a non-strenuous, easy form of exercise that is very efficient. Injury Reduction: Studies have shown that 27% to 70% of joggers get a running-related injury in their first year of running. Rebounding can help to build muscle strength and efficiency to help avoid injuries. Increased Metabolism: Regular rebound exercise helps the base metabolic rate to become more efficient, resulting in better muscle tone and weight management. Once you re-set our metabolism, you can burn more calories at a higher rate and help eliminate the tendency to regain weight. Increased Energy: Many report that rebounding gave them a higher level of energy – and did not leave them exhausted as with strenuous exercises. Natural Face Lift: Each cell of your body is like a small balloon. Rebounding exercise puts each cell of your body (including cells of your facial skin) repeatedly under stress as they resist the increased G force (which forces the ‘balloon’ of each facial cell to reach maximum elongation and then to reverse direction again). Over time, each cell’s membrane gets thicker, firmer and gains elasticity. Your facial skin is really like a community of cells. Regular use of a rebounder can help firm your facial skin community and increase its elasticity. Build Bone Mass: The NASA study also showed that rebounding was the best exercise to help rebuild the lost bone mass of astronauts caused by extended periods of weightlessness (which caused them to lose up to 15% bone mass in only 2 weeks in space). Rebounding can also be used to help prevent osteoporosis and has been shown to actually reverse the lost bone mass. Strengthen your spine: Rebounding has a positive influence on spinal and inter-vertebral disc health by stimulating maximum spinal imbibition. This promotes the optimal transfer of nutrients into the disc and the removal of metabolic waste products out of the disc, thereby maintaining and restoring inter-vertebral health and function. (Reported by Dr. David Love, D.C.) Stress and Depression: Dr. Morton Walker writes about the positive effects of rebounding on stress levels. See Dr. Morton Walker’s book, “Jumping for Health”, pages 82-91, where he describes 30 Specific Antistress Benefits of Rebounding (Avery Publishing Group Inc., Garden City Park, New York)

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